It all started in ’99. As the resourceful Y2K survivalists hoarded ramen noodles and pessimists racked up mountains of debt to celebrate the inevitable collapse of the credit system, we calmly hoped they were wrong and placed a different bet. On dealerships.
We finally had two successful dealerships ourselves and figured (barring a computer-error armageddon) we could do the same for other dealerships. Most successful dealership owners have one superpower that outweighs the rest. For some, it’s the people they know, high and low. For others, it’s their sales acumen. Still, others are able to lead with a Pied Piper sort of charisma.
But we were different. We weighed ourselves and were found frustratingly wanting in all of the above. We realized the only reason our dealerships consistently drove torrents of all four revenue streams (new, used, service, and parts) was that we were both obsessed with marketing. Thankfully, we were good at it. If you are searching for a reliable and established digital marketing automotive service provider, you can contact us.
Hardly a day would go by that we didn’t jump on a call about some new marketing strategy we couldn’t wait to test, or text (on our faithful old flip phones) the latest SEO tactics.
Anyway, we decided, not wholly unlike Ironman, to use our innovative superpowers for good, and began creating marketing systems for other dealership owners. It wasn’t long before we learned that two superpowers combined (our marketing and the owner’s) created something of a supernova. As in, those dealerships exploded! It was exhilarating. We’ve never looked back.
Here are a few key points about Dealer Dynasty:
- We proudly serve dealerships like yours across the great expanse of the USA.
- We have your legal team review all ads so you don’t have to worry about legal problems.
- We use proprietary software to prevent PPC click fraud by bots, competitors, and click farms.
- As the most efficient and dependable digital automotive marketing company, we stay on top of the latest marketing strategies and tactics to make sure you get to the top — and stay there.
If you want to use our marketing superpower to grow your dealership, schedule a free consultation so we can see if we’re a good fit for you.
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